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I need Early life experience scale and family environment scale . your efforts will be appreciated

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The Early Life Experiences Scale (ELES) 

The ELES is a self-report instrument to measure emotional memories in one’s family, linked to recall of feeling devalued, frightened and having to behave in a subordinate way. Whereas many recall of early life ask about recalling specific experiences or how one parent acted towards one, this scale asks about memories of personal feelings. This scale consists of 15 items and three subscales:

  • Threat (six items; e.g. ‘‘I experienced my parents as powerful and overwhelming’’);
  • Submissiveness (six items; e.g. ‘‘I often had to give in to others at home’’);
  • Unvalued (three reversed items; e.g. ‘‘I felt very comfortable and relaxed around my parents’’).

Participants were asked how frequently each statement was true for them and rated each item on a five-point measure (ranging from 1 = ‘‘Completely untrue’’, to 5 = ‘‘Very true’’). The scale can be used as a single construct or as three separate subscales.


  • Gilbert, P., Cheung, M., Grandfield, T., Campey, F., & Irons, C. (2003). Recall of threat and submissiveness in childhood: Development of a new scale and its relationship with depression, social comparison and shame. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 10, 108-115.doi:10.1002/cpp.359

  • Pinto-Gouveia, J., Xavier, A., & Cunha, M. (2016). Assessing early memories of threat and subordination: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Early Life Experiences Scale for Adolescents. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25, 54-64. doi:10.1007/s10826-015-0202-y

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Posts: 2524

Family Environment Scale (FES)

1.    Family members really help and support one another.
2.    Family members often keep their feelings to themselves.
3.    We fight a lot in our family.
4.    We don't do things on our own very often in our family.
5.    We feel it is important to be the best at whatever you do.
6.    We often talk about political and social problems.
7.    We spend most weekends and evenings at home.
8.    Family members attend church‚ synagogue‚ or Sunday School fairly often.
9.    Activities in our family are pretty carefully planned.
10.Family members are rarely ordered around.
11.We often seem to be killing time at home.
12.We say anything we want to around home.
13.Family members rarely become openly angry.
14.In our family‚ we are strongly encouraged to be independent.
15.Getting ahead in life is very important to our family.
16.We rarely go to lectures‚ plays or concerts.
17.Friends often come over for dinner or to visit.
18.We don't say prayers in our family.
19.We are generally very neat and orderly.
20.There are very few rules to follow in our family.
21.We put a lot of energy into what we do at home.
22.It's hard to "blow off steam" at home without upsetting somebody.
23.Family members sometimes get so angry they throw things.
24.We think things out for ourselves in our family.
25.How much money a person makes is not very important to us.
26.Learning about new and different things is very important in our family.
27.Nobody in our family is active in sports‚ Little League‚ bowling‚ etc.
28.We often talk about the religious meaning of Christmas‚ Passover‚ or other holidays.
29.It's often hard to find things when you need them in our household.
30.There is one family member who makes most of the decisions.
31.There is a feeling of togetherness in our family.
32.We tell each other about our personal problems.
33.Family members hardly ever lose their tempers.
34.We come and go as we want to in our family.
35.We believe in competition and "may the best man win."
36.We are not that interested in cultural activities.
37.We often go to movies‚ sports events‚ camping‚ etc.
38.We don't believe in heaven or hell.
39.Being on time is very important in our family.
40.There are set ways of doing things at home.
41.We rarely volunteer when something has to be done at home.
42.If we feel like doing something on the spur of the moment we often just pick up and go.
43.Family members often criticize each other.
44.There is very little privacy in our family.
45.We always strive to do things just a little better the next time.
46.We rarely have intellectual discussions.
47.Everyone in our family has a hobby or two.
48.Family members have strict ideas about what is right and wrong.
49.People change their minds often in our family.
50.There is a strong emphasis on following rules in our family.
51.Family members really back each other up.
52.Someone usually gets upset if you complain in our family.
53.Family members sometimes hit each other.
54.Family members almost always rely on themselves when a problem comes up.
55.Family members rarely worry about job promotions‚ school grades‚ etc.
56.Someone in our family plays a musical instrument.
57.Family members are not very involved in recreational activities outside work or school.
58.We believe there are some things you have to take on faith.
59.Family members make sure their rooms are neat.
60.Everyone has an equal say in family decisions.
61.There is very little group spirit in our family.
62.Money and paying bills is openly talked about in our family.
63.If there's a disagreement in our family‚ we try hard to smooth things over and keep the peace.
64.Family members strongly encourage each other to stand up for their rights.
65.In our family‚ we don't try that hard to succeed.
66.Family members often go to the library.
67.Family members sometimes attend courses or take lessons for some hobby or interest (outside of school).
68.In our family each person has different ideas about what is right and wrong.
69.Each person's duties are clearly defined in our family.
70.We can do whatever we want to in our family.
71.We really get along well with each other.
72.We are usually careful about what we say to each other.
73.Family members often try to one-up or out-do each other.
74.It's hard to be by yourself without hurting someone's feelings in our household.
75."Work before play" is the rule in our family.
76.Watching T.V. is more important than reading in our family.
77.Family members go out a lot.
78.The Bible is a very important book in our home.
79.Money is not handled very carefully in our family.
80.Rules are pretty inflexible in our household.
81.There is plenty of time and attention for everyone in our family.
82.There are a lot of spontaneous discussions in our family.
83.In our family‚ we believe you don't ever get anywhere by raising your voice.
84.We are not really encouraged to speak up for ourselves in our family.
85.Family members are often compared with others as to how well they are doing at work or school.
86.Family members really like music‚ art‚ and literature.
87.Our main form of entertainment is watching T.V. or listening to the radio.
88.Family members believe that if you sin you will be punished.
89.Dishes are usually done immediately after eating.
90.You can't get away with much in our family.
Reference and more information Click here
