07 November in the ...
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07 November in the History of Psychology

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On November 7:

1818 — Emil Du Bois-Reymond was born. His work on the electrical nature of nervous transmission was important in the development of neuropsychology.

1870 — The Asylum for the Incurable Insane was opened in Howard, Rhode Island. The state hospital at Howard was the first public institution in Rhode Island for the treatment of mentally ill patients. The first superintendent was Burnham Wardwell, previously the warden of the state penitentiary in Richmond, Virginia. The hospital was later named the State Hospital for Mental Diseases.

1903 — Konrad Lorenz was born. Lorenz won the Nobel prize in 1973 for his work on innate behaviors, especially imprinting. The concept of critical periods of development and learning is derived from Lorenz's work. In World War II, Lorenz was a medical doctor in the German army. He spent 4 years in a Russian prisoner of war camp, where he maintained his health by eating insects and spiders.

1915 — Lorraine Bouthilet was born. Bouthilet was the managing editor of Behavioral Science and the American Psychologist, prepared the first edition of the Publication Manual of the APA, and prepared the surgeon general's report, Television and Behavior. At the National Institute of Mental Health, she was research program specialist and clearinghouse director.

1918 — Douglas W. Bray was born. Bray influenced the early course of organization psychology by developing the first management assessment center and extending the assessment center concept to personnel selection, longitudinal studies of management, and professional accreditation. APA Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions, 1980.

1930 — The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry was first published.

1940 — The U.S. Selective Service System issued its Medical Circular #1, a guide to minimum mental and personality inspection of draftees. Eight abnormal types were described: mental defect, psychopathic personality, mood disorder, syphilis of the central nervous system, psychoneurosis, grave mental and personality handicaps, chronic inebriety, and organic nervous system disease.

1959 — The first American College Test (ACT) was administered to about 7,500 students. The ACT was a product of the Iowa program of academic achievement testing, directed by Everet F. Lindquist.
