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All of the following methods of treatment are or may be based on classical conditioning principles EXCEPT

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All of the following methods of treatment are or may be based on classical conditioning principles EXCEPT

(A) token economy.
(B) implosive therapy.
(C) flooding.
(D) systematic desensitization.
(E) aversion therapy.

(A) token economy.

Classical conditioning is a kind of learning that results from associating two things, one of which is an unconditioned stimulus, together. In operant conditioning, the consequences of one’s actions lead to learning. Token economies are based on the principles of operant conditioning; people will act in certain ways to attain rewards. Implosive therapy, flooding, and systematic desensitization are all based on classical conditioning methods. Aversion therapy is a broader term that includes both classical and operant conditioning methods.

Posted : 22/03/2024 2:11 pm