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Your new neighbor seems to know everything about ancient Greece that your social studies teacher says during the first week of school. You conclude that she is brilliant. You do not consider that she might already have learned about ancient Greece in

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Your new neighbor seems to know everything about ancient Greece that your social studies teacher says during the first week of school. You conclude that she is brilliant. You do not consider that she might already have learned about ancient Greece in her old school. You are evidencing

(A) the self-fulfilling prophecy effect.
(B) pluralistic ignorance.
(C) confirmation bias.
(D) the fundamental attribution error.
(E) cognitive dissonance.

(D) the fundamental attribution error.

Your failure to consider the role of situational factors in explaining your new neighbor’s knowledge of ancient Greece is known as the fundamental attribution error. The self-fulfilling prophecy effect is when one person’s expectations affect another person’s behavior. Pluralistic ignorance is the tendency to look to others for hints about how one is supposed to act in certain situations. Confirmation bias is the tendency to focus on information that supports one’s initial ideas. Cognitive dissonance is the tension felt when one holds two contradictory ideas.

Posted : 28/03/2024 3:49 pm