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What type of number will tell Matt whether or not there is a significant difference between how the boys and girls scored?

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What type of number will tell Matt whether or not there is a significant difference between how the boys and girls scored?

Use the following information to answer question.

Matt wants to contrast girls’ and boys’ views about leadership. He selects a random sample of 100 students from Northeastern High School in Maine and administers a standardized leadership survey. Scores range from 5 to 20.

(A) standard deviation
(B) mean
(C) p value
(D) chi square value
(E) correlation coefficient

(C) p value

A p value of .05 or less indicates that a difference is statistically significant. p stands for probability, and a p value gives the probability that the result occurred by chance. To compute the p value in this case, Matt will have to use both the standard deviation and the mean, but neither of those alone will tell him whether or not the difference is significant. Given the type of data with which Matt is working, he would have to run a t test rather than a chi square test or a Pearson correlation to find a p value.

Posted : 07/05/2024 4:28 pm