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Karthik and Sue are lab partners assigned to research who is friendlier, girls or boys. After conversing with their first 10 participants, they find that their friendliness ratings often differ. With which of the following should they be most concern

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Karthik and Sue are lab partners assigned to research who is friendlier, girls or boys. After conversing with their first 10 participants, they find that their friendliness ratings often differ. With which of the following should they be most concerned?

(A) reliability
(B) confounding variables
(D) validity
(C) ethics
(E) assignment

(A) reliability

Karthik and Sue’s way of measuring friendliness is not reliable. Reliability refers to the
consistency of a measure. Since they disagree so often, their measure is not consistent. In all likelihood, they need to operationalize their dependent variable more clearly. Reliability is sometimes confused with validity. Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure, which in this case is whether they are actually measuring friendliness.

Posted : 09/01/2024 3:52 pm