When Tito was young...
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When Tito was young, his parents decided to give him a quarter every day he made his bed. Tito started to make his siblings’ beds also and help with other chores. Behaviorists would say that Tito was experiencing

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When Tito was young, his parents decided to give him a quarter every day he made his bed. Tito started to make his siblings’ beds also and help with other chores. Behaviorists would say that Tito was experiencing

(A) internal motivation.
(B) spontaneous recovery.
(C) acquisition.
(D) generalization.
(E) discrimination.

(D) generalization.

Tito’s new bed-making and chore-doing regime indicates that he is generalizing. Just as a rat will press other levers in other cages, Tito is performing more chores in an attempt to maximize his rewards. Behaviorists minimize the role of internal motivation; they believe that the environment motivates. Spontaneous recovery would be if Tito began making his bed again after his parents had stopped rewarding him and he had returned to his slovenly ways. Acquisition occurred when Tito initially learned to make his bed to earn the quarter. By assuming Tito’s parents do not reward him for making the rest of the family’s beds, he will learn ultimately to discriminate and make only his own bed.

Posted : 14/02/2024 3:37 pm