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Which of the following disorders responds best to cognitive behavioral therapy?

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Which of the following disorders responds best to cognitive behavioral therapy?

(A) disorganized schizophrenia
(B) bipolar disorder
(C) dissociative identity disorder
(D) catatonic schizophrenia
(E) major depressive disorder

(E) major depressive disorder

Of the disorders listed, major depressive disorder would respond best to cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talk therapy in which the clinician tries to reason with the client. Given the disorganized thought and difficulties with oral expression of schizophrenics, they are poor candidates for such an approach. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) might also be difficult to treat from this perspective because cognitive psychologists focus on conscious thought and might be skeptical about the unconscious and the existence of DID. Finally, while CBT might help someone with bipolar disorder while in the depressed phase, it would probably be less effective in dealing with people in the manic phase as they are typically not thinking logically nor receptive to rational arguments.

Posted : 19/04/2024 3:53 pm