30 October in the H...
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30 October in the History of Psychology

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On October 30:

1855  Georges Gilles de la Tourette was born. Tourette is remembered for identifying the syndrome of tics, explosive outbursts, and "astonishing and imaginative profanity" that bears his name. He was shot in the head by a paranoid client in 1896. He recovered but suffered a progressive bipolar disorder, and became strident, bizarre, and theatrical. He died in a mental hospital in 1904.

1900 — Ragnar Granit was born. Granit was a Finnish-Swedish neurophysiologist who won the Nobel prize in 1967 for his work on the physiology of color vision. Granit identified "dominator" and "modulator" cells in the retina, responsible for brightness and color perception, respectively. He also performed pioneering studies of how motion and form are coded in the retina and transmitted to the brain.

1938 — The Orson Welles radio broadcast of H. G. Wells's "War of the Worlds" was aired, on Halloween night. This realistic radio drama caused panic in many parts of the United States. The phenomenon was described in Hadley Cantril, Hazel Gaudet, and Herta Hertzog's book The Invasion From Mars (1940).

1942 — Starke R. Hathaway and J. Charnley McKinley's Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory was first published. The University of Minnesota held the original copyright to the test.

1970 — The Services and Facilities for the Mentally Retarded and Persons With Other Developmental Disabilities Act (Public Law 91-517) provided federal support for new facilities and a national advisory council.

1972 — Title XI of the Social Security Amendments Act of 1972 created Professional Standards Review Organizations. In 1974, the APA created its Committee on Professional Standards Review to coordinate with mental health delivery review organizations.

1979 — The petition to form APA Division 41 (Psychology and Law) was submitted. John Monahan submitted the petition. The APA Council of Representatives approved division status on September 3, 1980. Monahan was elected the first president of the new division.

1990 — Public Law 101-476 was passed, amending the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142). The amendments mandated the use of the term disability instead of handicap in official usage and expanded the scope of federal support for the education of students with disabilities.
