15 January in the H...
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15 January in the History of Psychology

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On January 15:

1842 — Josef Breuer was born. Breuer was Freud's first collaborator and helped to develop the methods of free association and emotional catharsis.

1848 — An act of the Missouri state legislature established the state's first mental hospital, at Fulton, Missouri. The hospital was founded with the prosaic name State Hospital No. 1 and is now named Fulton State Hospital. The first patients were admitted early in 1852.

1877 — Lewis M. Terman was born. Terman was a student of G. Stanley Hall. He developed the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale in 1916 and is also known for his longitudinal studies of a group of exceptionally intelligent children. APA President, 1923.

1904 — The journal Psychological Bulletin began publication under the editorship of James Mark Baldwin and Howard C. Warren. This journal and others were transferred by Howard C. Warren to the APA by purchase and gift from 1925 to 1938.

1904 — Edward B. Titchener, in a printed memo, invited selected psychologists to organize "an American society for the advancement of Experimental Psychology." The group eventually became the Society of Experimental Psychologists.

1925 — Lewis M. Terman wrote the foreword to his book Genetic Studies of Genius.

1952 — Lee J. Cronbach's text Educational Psychology was published for classroom trials.

1953 — The first Nebraska Symposium on Motivation was held. This first meeting was officially named Current Theory and Research in Motivation: A Symposium. Judson Brown, Harry Harlow, and Leo Postman were featured speakers. The Nebraska Symposium on Motivation was adopted as the name for the second and subsequent annual meetings.

1956 — The journal Social Work was first published.

1957 — Corbett Thigpen and Herrey Cleckley's book Three Faces of Eve was published. This story of multiple personality is frequently cited in introductory texts and was made into a motion picture with the same name.

1964 — Jerome Bruner's article "The Course of Cognitive Growth" was published in the American Psychologist.

1987 — Robert R. McCrae and Paul T. Costa's article "Validation of the Five-Factor Model of Personality Across Instruments and Observers" was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The article provided evidence for the "big five" personality traits of neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

1988 — The U.S. Federal Trade Commission found portions of the APA's Ethical Standards of Psychologists to be illegal restraints of trade. The offending sections restricted the content of advertising and other public statements intended to represent the desirability of services. The APA was ordered to amend its standards on December 16, 1992.
