01 June in the Hist...
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01 June in the History of Psychology

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On June 1:

1863 — Hugo Münsterberg was born. Münsterberg came to the United States in 1892 to direct William James's laboratories at Harvard University. He was one of the first applied psychologists, extending research and theory to industrial, legal, medical, clinical, educational, and business settings. APA President, 1898; President, American Philosophical Association, 1908.

1916 — Walter Dill Scott became the first psychologist to hold the title of Professor of Applied Psychology. Scott was given the title at the Carnegie Institute of Technology during a leave of absence from Northwestern University.

1941 — Richard E. Nisbett was born. Nisbett's studies have described the bases of attributions and inferences about one's own behavior and the behavior of others, with special attention given to misattributions and predictable biases in inference. APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, 1991.

1969 — The constitution of the American Psychology-Law Society was ratified. In September, 1969, the first official meeting was held, and Jay Ziskin was elected president. The society merged with APA Division 41 in 1984.

1974 — The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology was founded during the initial meeting of its 12-member council. A joint letter from APA President Albert Bandura and National Register Chairman Carl N. Zimet was sent to all psychologists, soliciting applications for listing in the first National Register.

1977 — In a White House ceremony, psychologist Richard C. Atkinson was sworn in as director of the National Science Foundation.

1981 — The Minnesota Psychological Association was incorporated.
